Do You Need A Degree To Become A Coach?

Published: Jan. 23, 2021, 10:03 p.m.


Do You Need A Degree To Become A Coach?



Answer is:

And here\'s why when people look to you as a coach, as a consultant, this is still an unregulated field.


Now, if you were a doctor, a lawyer, you need a license. You need certification. You need, uh, a degree as well to get to that point. But with coaching, with consulting, anyone can become a coach. You could literally call yourself a coach today. You could call yourself a coach tomorrow, but here\'s the thing to become a successful coach, to become a coach who is well paid, who attracts great clients.

You need a skillset. First of all, you need a skill. You need to be able to help people with something. And then from there, even though you don\'t need a degree, you do need some sort of knowledge, some sort of expertise in an area. Now I truly believe everyone has knowledge or expertise that you could use to become a successful and thriving coach.


This group is where I give all kinds of little training videos and I give free tips & free advice.

It\'s nice to have a community where you can learn and grow with others. So if you want that, just go to, and you can join for free and say "hi" to me.

I will see you inside there.


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Episode Name: Do You Need A Degree To Become A Coach??



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