Sponsor Clinical Trial Director and Site Owners Debate Proper Use Of Reaching Out To Sponsors Ep.657

Published: Nov. 28, 2022, 11:32 p.m.


Robert\'s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/robert-s-g-358b0868/

Rod\'s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rod-raphael-ma-ccrc-96816b26/

Veeva Site Vault: https://sites.veeva.com/

The University Of Clinical Research: https://www.theuniversityofclinicalresearch.com/

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Latinos In Clinical Research: http://www.LatinosinClinicalResearch.com

The Clinical Research Circle: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgOSm8EN_M7xf9Xfw1m778w

My TikTok: DanSfera

Introduction to this episode. 0:00

How to use ClinicalTrials.gov to find studies. 2:46

The misuse of ClinicalTrials.gov and what the statuses actually mean. 8:53

Don\\u2019t be entitled when you write emails. 14:10

How do you get into the know-how of upcoming studies? 20:10

How do you know if you\\u2019re reaching out to the right site? 23:28

Why referrals from trusted sources are better than referrals from sites that don\\u2019t. 30:02

How to integrate LinkedIn with ClinicalTrials.gov. 36:43

Don\\u2019t be afraid to share leads with each other. 42:09

What\\u2019s the benefit of in-person versus virtual investigator meetings? 44:25

How do you know if you\\u2019re getting the right site? Is there a window? 50:10

How do you know who you\\u2019re working with? 56:01
