LD136 - Arsenic & Old Lace (1944)

Published: May 16, 2022, 11 a.m.


Things aren\\u2019t quite what they seem in the old childhood home of recently married ace reporter Mortimer Brewster\\u2019s (Cary Grant) old house over in Brooklyn. \\xa0It turns out that his sweet spinster aunts have been poisoning lonely old men and burying them in the basement. \\xa0Frank Capra\\u2019s cherished adaptation of the hit stage comedy set the tenor for the ghoulish/cute aesthetic that rings so true with secret goths, like our birthday boy Mike. \\xa0Happy birthday Mike! \\xa0And enjoy this piece of cake that I made especially for you\\u2026

If you\\u2019d like to watch ahead for next week\\u2019s film, we will be discussing and reviewing Wes Anderson\\u2019s\\xa0The Royal Tenenbaums\\xa0(2001).
