666 - The Devils Backbone (2001)

Published: Aug. 1, 2022, 11:30 a.m.


Oops! We uploaded the wrong audio file this morning! To those of you who thought we recorded \\u201can avant-garde art piece\\u201d: we apologize. We\\u2019ve since fixed it and this new version should make a little more sense. Anyway\\u2026

Guillermo del Toro\\u2019s devastating mash-up of children caught in the brutality of a Spanish Civil War-period thriller with the high-concept visuals of a supernatural presence has all of the hallmarks of a\\u2026 Guillermo del Toro movie. \\xa0Well, two of his movies, I guess. \\xa0But the point is that few can use fantasy to probe at the still fresh wounds of societal trauma as well as he can.

If you\\u2019d like to watch ahead for next week\\u2019s film, we will be discussing and reviewing David Byrne\\u2019s\\xa0True Stories\\xa0(1986).
