443 - La Ronde (1950)

Published: Aug. 22, 2022, 11:30 a.m.


Max Oph\\xfcls\\u2019 La Ronde presents a world governed by the routines, negotiations, and hypocrisies of desire. Behaviors argued as so central to human experience, that this ensemble film, set in turn-of-the-century Vienna, exposes how the hidden mechanisms of storytelling reenforce and perpetuate the forever-repeating patterns of conquest and betrayal. The narratives are found in poetry, plays, and even in how Max Oph\\xfcls\\u2019 La Ronde presents a world governed by the routines, negotiations, and hypocrisies of desire. Behaviors argued as so central to human experience, that this ensemble film, set in turn-of-the-century Vienna, exposes how the hidden mechanisms of storytelling reenforce and perpetuate the forever-repeating patterns of conquest and betrayal. The narratives are found in poetry, plays, and even in how Max Oph\\xfcls\\u2019 La Ronde presents a world\\u2026
If you\\u2019d like to watch ahead for next week\\u2019s film, we will be discussing and and reviewing Mira Nair\\u2019s Mississippi Masala (1990).