1034 - Portrait of a Lady on Fire (2019) with Briana & Maddy of Chapter One: Take Two

Published: June 15, 2020, 11 a.m.


We are joined this week by the hosts of the podcast Chapter One: Take Two - Briana McZant and Maddy McZant - to look deep into the eyes of C\\xe9line Sciamma\\u2019s Portrait of a Lady on Fire.\\xa0This one has it all: portraits of ladies, ladies on fire, portraits of ladies on fire, portraits of ladies that are literally on fire, and even a painting titled Portrait of a Lady on Fire that really isn\\u2019t a portrait of a lady on fire. \\xa0And I\\u2019m not just being flip; this movie dives headfirst, with puzzle box precision, into themes of looking, being looked at, and looking like your being looked at with remarkable sophistication and emotional depth as a compelling study of sexuality and the female gaze.

Next week will be our year in review, with the 2nd Annual Rando Awards. \\xa0Print out your ballots and let the predictions commence!
