1007 - Until The End of the World (1991)

Published: July 13, 2020, 11 a.m.


It\'s a miracle I even made it out of Longwood alive.\\xa0 This town full of men with big mouths and no guts.\\xa0 I mean if you can just picture it: Wim Wenders made a nearly 5 hour long, globetrotting movie in 1991 predicting the technology, geopolitical concerns, and digital addictions of the 21st century with remarkable foresight.\\xa0 Solveig Dommartin heads up a luminous cast, redressed in 90s future noir, that makes use of gorgeous settings and beautiful photography to explore a magnetic woman\'s nihilistic race to find meaning and purpose in a forever-changing world.

If you\'d like to watch ahead for next week\'s film, we will be discussing and reviewing Lo Wei\'s The Big Boss (1971).

As mentioned in the episode, take a look at Jamie Peck\'s classic article on "The History of the Fedora" https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/785ag4/the-history-of-the-fedora
