061 - Monty Pythons Life of Brian (1979)

Published: Jan. 27, 2020, noon


We\\u2019re taking a break from our normally scheduled podcast for a very special episode. \\xa0In remembrance of director Terry Jones, who passed away just before this recording, we watched his all-time comedy classic, Monty Python\\u2019s Life of Brian. \\xa0And yeah, a lot of our so-called \\u201creview\\u201d is us just poorly reenacting our favorite jokes, but such is the group\\u2019s legacy for dorks like us. \\xa0But we also get deep into a conversation about religious controversy in film, the merits and faults of a persistent impulse to judge whether classic comedy \\u201cholds up\\u201d in our modern culture, bad jokes, good jokes, and good/bad jokes.

If you\\u2019d like to watch ahead for next week\\u2019s film, we will (for reals this time) be reviewing and discussing Jean-Luc Godard\\u2019s Made In U.S.A.\\xa0(1966.)\\xa0
