The Aftermath of Baybeats Part 3

Published: Aug. 6, 2006, 9:53 a.m.

b"We wrap up this amazing trilogy of shows with a killer BBC-like extravaganza! (well not really)\\n\\nBands featured:\\nElectrico\\nThe Leaven Trait\\nPlainsunset\\nKen Stringfellow\\n\\nOn the show:\\nInterviews with Electrico and Plainsunset where we talk about MTV music, pizzas and more!\\n\\nShow links:\\nLagwagon\\nMTV Asia\\nMy Precious\\nThe Posies\\nR.E.M.\\nShamejoannshame\\nSurreal\\n\\n\\nDisclaimer:\\nThe song by Plainsunset on this show is 'Find A Way', instead of 'Girl On Queen Street' like we announced. Our apologies!\\n\\nWe hope you've enjoyed our post-mortem and coverage of Baybeats 2006. We had a blast, and we hope you did too!\\n\\nNext week, we will be releasing the first ever Spotlight Special on Rampage On The Airwaves, featuring West Grand Boulevard! With exclusive insights into the band's history as well as preview tracks off the album, you wouldnt want to miss it!\\n\\nVote for us over at Podcast Alley, and drop us a line at"