EP19: How I Generated Over 200 Leads with ZERO Ad Spend

Published: Aug. 24, 2020, 1 p.m.

How I Generated Over 200 Leads with ZERO Ad Spend

“Mindset matters when it comes to building a million-dollar business.” — Shameca Tankerson

You’ll hear many successful people testifying that mindset matters in life. In the business world, you must learn how to kick the blocks out of your life if you want to earn six figures and stay on top of the game. In this week’s episode, let’s discuss how I generated over 200 leads with zero ad spend.

Part One of ‘How I Generated Over 200 Leads with ZERO Ad spend’


Every time you step into the next level, you learn how to make powerful decisions. You have to be firm with who you are and the exact results that you wish to create. Watch your behavior come into alignment as you start believing in the impossible. It’s not an easy road, but with the right mindset and strategies, you’re going to bloom right where you’re planted. 

“Whatever you believe drives your thoughts, your behaviors, and your actions.” — Shameca Tankerson 

Your belief matters because it’s the secret sauce to converting leads into clients. Until you get your head on straight, no amount of strategy will help you sell more. You will never hit your goals if you allow your fears and self-doubt stop you. Now, you must also remember that consistent high achievers don’t work 24/7. You want to be perceived as someone who brings a lot of value to the table, not just someone interested in business. 

You want to show your potential customers that they can fully trust you, so that when you offer them something that’s a perfect fit for the solution they’re looking for, you’ll receive a positive and welcoming response, instead of hesitation and rejection. 


Part Two of ‘How I Generated Over 200 Leads with ZERO Ad spend’

Take time to master your message, methodology, and marketing because these things will help you be consistent with your content. You don’t want to confuse your audience when you’re sending out a message on social media. 

The step that most people don't get right is you're waiting on people to reach out to you and click your links to buy instead of paying attention to who's paying attention to you and then reaching out to those people. 

“Your RESULTS are a product of your decisions.” —  Shameca Tankerson 

If you decide that people aren’t spending their money because of the COVID-19 pandemic, I guarantee your bank account reflects that. Whereas on the other side of that, my client's bank accounts are a reflection of them deciding that people need them now more than ever. Don't just get up every day and potential social media and hope that clients are going to show up. Connect and move people to conversations. Start expanding your capacity to receive.




My clients are creating a new normal for themselves. What we're trying to do is transcend anything that's ever been done before. We're shifting the wealth code for generations to come. The only way we can do that is by continually expanding our capacity, showing up, and turning impossible things into possible.


You don't have to worry about me trying to sell you into something because I'm not going to do that. My work speaks for itself. What I want to see is where you are in your mindset. If it's possible for me to shift something for you so that you can be successful, we'll map it out!


How to Get Involved


Shameca Tankerson is an award-winning business coach, national speaker, and bestselling author. She is a badass at helping women own their worth, claim their confidence, and become high performing power players who get paid – without the guilt. She's called to challenge you to your greatness, stretch you, test your limits, and set fire to your fears. Her clients are high achievers, dreamers, visionaries, who hold something so powerful, so wickedly incredible within… they are on the cusp of greatness - yet the scars of their past have them second-guessing themselves. 

Together we call on your courage, bust through fear, and awaken your inner powerhouse so you can stop apologizing, shrinking, hinting, whispering, asking for permission, giving in, and pretending to be satisfied with the status quo. It’s your time. Listen Love, when you stop playing small and show up fully, your business and income will naturally grow too. Discover how clients see your Level of Authority and any blocks sabotaging your sales. http://shamecatankerson.com/