Purge 3!!!

Published: June 30, 2016, 8:34 a.m.

How...HOW can the Goblins do a funny show with the world being in the state it's in!?!?! By eating Chick Fil A while watching a terrorist attack in Turkey... mmmm turkey.....

Chunga used to be "metro". Were YOU "metro"??? Kenny's former female co-workers can't stop bugging him about their relationship issues, maybe its because he's an online minister now. Takara's best friend Amanda LOVES Chunga & Spinari... She doesn't really care for Kenny. WHY?!! Kenny doesn't have a DJ name. Takara is playing a bad guy in a new theater production, Independence Day is the WORST film of the year, is Tarazan a surprise hit? Kenny also reviews the new Purge!!!!! Listen NOW!!!!