Hipster Halloween

Published: Oct. 23, 2015, 12:57 a.m.

The Goblin Halloween extravaganza continues!!!! In THIS episode, the gang talks about all the creepy events at the Benson Grist Mill ghost hunts (Kenny was almost scalped), Jess gets all of us ready for this Saturdays ghost hunt at The Off Broadway Theater & tells you about 3 of the theaters "permanent residents", Chunga gives away the ending to several lame TV shows including "Fear The Walking Dead", Spinari is preparing for the premier of The "good" Walking Dead series this Sunday, Everybody loves zombies EXCEPT JESS!! Kenny asks the other Goblins to recommend a great, obscure, Halloween movie in a segment called "Hipster Halloween", Spinari says Abbott & Costello made the best Halloween movies & Sylvester Stallone recites the works of Edgar Allan Poe!!! LISTEN NOW & go get your ghost hunt tickets at PodGoblin!!!