Called 2 Action - How to Protect Yourself in a Volatile Market

Published: Feb. 14, 2018, 3:30 p.m.

Show Notes:
David appears @ 30:30
- David thinks we're not in a crisis yet, but we will reach one eventually. Probably not this year though.
- The Fed is unwinding their 4.5 trillion dollar balance sheet which consists of 2 products: US Treasuries (2.4 Trillion) and mortgage backed securities (@ 1.8 Trillion). They plan on doing this over the next 2 years. They started this last month and this is what caused the turmoil in the market.
- Dennis Gartman said on Fox News to get a 1/3 to 1/2 of your money out of the market and leave it in cash for a year.
- David said this is unheard of from investors like Dennis Gartman.
- Investors are telling people to buy Gold to protect themselves from inflation.