Episode 51 Micah Rees, Core Brewing Concepts

Published: May 1, 2015, 3:39 a.m.

b'This week Radio Brews News interviews Micah Rees from Core Brewing Concepts. Two weeks ago website The Crafty Pint published a story titled Brewer Beware, outlining issues that a number of brewers have had with a brewing equipment supplier, Core Brewing. This followed a warning posted on social media by one of the brewers affected.\\n\\nWe initially intended to run this podcast featuring interviews with a number of the affected brewers, together with this interview with Micah Rees.\\xa0 However, as we spoke with the brewers, the story was rapidly developing as more affected brewers came to light. In light of that we have decided to run this interview alone\\xa0and will follow up with brewers in later episodes. Needless to say, versions of key events are disputed.\\n\\n___________________________________________________________________\\n\\nRadio Brews News is proudly supported by\\n\\nand also by'