Beer is a Conversation: Jimmie Gold

Published: Jan. 28, 2020, 10:46 a.m.

b'While he wouldn\\u2019t be known outside of his home town, this week\\u2019s guest is something of a Brisbane beer identity. Since starting in craft beer about a decade ago, Jimmie Gold has worked at some of the city\\u2019s pioneering beer venues and craft breweries.\\n Over that time he has really come to impress with his thoughtful approach to hospitality and also managing the challenges that come in working in the alcohol and hospitality industries. He\\u2019s also a central figure in the community around craft beer in the city. With hospitality becoming an increasingly important element of the business of craft beer, and mindfulness around alcohol an issue for all of us, it was a great opportunity to sit and chat with Jimmie about that.\\n Enjoy the conversation.\\n Radio Brews News is proudly presented by\\xa0Cryer Malt. With over 25 years in the field, Cryer Malt is dedicated to providing the finest brewing ingredients to help brewers create the foundations of a truly excellent beer. Your premium brewing partner and proud sponsors of Brews News.\\n If you like what we do at Radio Brews News you can help us out by:\\n Sponsoring the show\\n Reviewing us on iTunes or your favourite podcasting service\\n Emailing us at\\\\xa0to share your thoughts\\n All letter writers will receive a brews news bottle opener and go into the draw to win a mixed six-pack thanks to our good friends at\\xa0Beer Cartel\\xa0who sponsor our letter for the week.'