Black in science: The legacy of racism in science and how Black scientists are moving the dial

Published: Feb. 26, 2021, 5:10 a.m.

This week’s special edition of CBC Radio’s Quirks & Quarks looks at the history and future of Black people in science. We delve into the history of biased and false “race science” that for hundreds of years was used to justify slavery, exploitation and exclusion. This has left a terrible legacy in systemic racism that in the past and present has, on one hand, led to misunderstanding and mistreatment of Black people by the scientific and medical community, and on the other has created obstacles for talented Black researchers that prevented them from fully participating in the scientific process. We also talk to Black researchers about how they’re working to increase recognition for the contributions of Black scientists, and use that profile to build more opportunities and representation across all disciplines of science. Along the way we identify and honour historical Black scientists who overcame the obstacles to make significant but often unrecognized contributions to science.