KING & GODHEAD ...going beyond the MLK legend

Published: Jan. 14, 2022, 5 a.m.


In honor of MLK day, we're reading KING - Ho Che Anderson's critically acclaimed unauthorized graphic biography of the life of Martin Luther King Jr. But we ALSO decided to read GODHEAD, another book by Anderson, which tells a near future capitalist tale that juxtaposes the white corporate and black urban experience against a sci-fi backdrop of...finding God?


Ho Che Anderson is a London Born, creator of Jamaican heritage living in Toronto, and he brings a pretty unique perspective to the handful of independent comics he's created over the years - likely informed the sensibilities of who his parents named him after - Ho Chi Minh + Che Guevara - so it was no surprise to see such an unusual premise Godhead, and somewhat stark, contrarian and unflinchingly honest take on a civil rights icon like Martin Luther King Junior


While most folks usually only know five words about the Civil Rights movement ("Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King") - the graphic novel KING focuses on not just the larger than life legend, but the man and all his flaws along his journey and how people had a VERY polarized view of him back then. And GODHEAD, well Ryan will have to explain that one to you - but it incorporates the class, race, robots, Babel, espionoage, and ultimately pulls a Rusty Brown....
