60: Realities of Adulting: Do you still game?

Published: Jan. 26, 2021, 8 p.m.


Recorded: 22 Jan 2021
Published: 27 Jan 2021
\\nAs an adult, do you still have the time or energy to play video games?
\\nIn this episode, Jaemi and Vivz, joined by Luciel, talks about the realities and struggles of playing video games when you\'ve reach adult life. Reminisce with us in our ride into the life of a gamer in the late 80s, retro games, and what is given up or lost when you enter adulting mode.
\\nInay artwork: Liga Ni Likeman https://www.facebook.com/LigaNiLikeman\\n

Intro: Wolf - Upbeat 8-bit Electronic by Jer https://youtu.be/Ahfu1E_BBSI\\n

Outro: Daystar - Celery in a carrot field by \\uc0db\\ubcc4 Daystar https://youtu.be/FqI9cM6fczU