Part 4/5: Let Our Powers Combine! PhD Students From Different Fields Discuss PH Communication

Published: Oct. 9, 2013, 3 p.m.

Our latest episode features guests from four different departments at Johns Hopkins School of Public Health who trace public health news stories from their scientific journal source to their flashy headlines in popular news media sources. An excellent discussion ensues on how the science communication went awry and what will clue readers in to false information. We finish the episode with HOTSPOT, when guests have to spontaneously define in layman’s terms an important public health term. Guests include PhD students: Ben Blumberg from Molecular Microbiology and Immunology, Beth Linas from Epidemiology, Laysha Oslow from Mental Health, and Eric Simko from Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Part 4 of 5: Laysha talks about the National Institute of Mental Health's (NIMH) new policy on RDoC, how that has ignited public interested in the validity of psychiatric diagnoses in the DSM, and the research base for both of the things (both very limited)--and how that relates to access to care and civil rights/public perceptions of "mental illness."