To Test or Not to Test – That Is One of the Many Questions

Published: Nov. 20, 2020, 10 p.m.

As countries around the world contend with a second wave of COVID-19 infections, people have grown increasingly curious about one of the key cornerstones of pandemic responses. Luckily, Rhode Island has been a national  leader in incorporating testing across the board.

In this episode of Public Health Out Loud, Dr. James McDonald and Dr. Philip Chan discuss the different types of tests available as more people find themselves anxiously waiting for their results.

Tune in to hear the public health duo take a hard look at the strengths and drawbacks of tools like antigen and PCR tests — both of which have played an outsized role in identifying positive cases and minimizing the spread of COVID-19. They also go in depth on the first testing challenges Rhode Island faced; the differences between diagnostic and screening tests; and what this all means for the broader public. 

If you’re looking for answers, you’ve come to the right place.