Pseudocast #558 Media o SIDS, vypestovane rastliny v mesacnom regolite, opicie kiahne

Published: May 29, 2022, 11:57 a.m.

b'V tomto podcaste budeme hovori\\u0165 o novej \\u0161t\\xfadii k SIDS a ako zle o tom reportovali niektor\\xe9 m\\xe9di\\xe1, ako sa vedcom podarilo vypestova\\u0165 rastliny v mesa\\u010dnom regolite a \\u010di m\\xe1me panik\\xe1ri\\u0165 z opi\\u010d\\xedch kiahn\\xed (spoiler alert : zatia\\u013e nie).\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nPseudocast 558 na YouTube\\n\\n\\n\\nZdroje\\n\\n\\n\\nButyrylcholinesterase is a potential biomarker for Sudden Infant Death SyndromeSudden Unexpected Infant Death and Sudden Infant Death SyndromeThese are the first plants grown in moon dirtWhat Is Monkeypox, And Could It Become The Next Pandemic?Should We Fear the Monkeypox?\\n\\n\\n\\nImage by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay'