115 | How I’m (Not) Doing It All

Published: Nov. 7, 2019, 5 a.m.

Being a mom and a business owner isn’t easy. Right now, we’ve chosen to keep our baby at home, which means that I’m constantly bouncing back and forth between work and motherhood. It hasn’t been easy – I’ve struggled with accepting that I can’t do it all.

Today I’m sharing how I’ve come to (almost) be okay with the fact that things aren’t going to look the way I hope they will and how I’m setting my priorities for both my business and my family. I’m also going to give you a glimpse into what my schedule looks like in this season of life and how asking for help has made running a business while raising a 6-month-old so much easier.

Topics Discussed:

  • Why it was a struggle for me to let go of doing it all
  • The most important conversation my husband and I have had since becoming parents (deciding on our priorities)
  • How I’m balancing time in my business and time with my son right now (working during naps – Little Z Sleep, setting aside time to engage with Daniel – Storytime, sensory activities)
  • Asking for help (sending Daniel to friends when I need to record, having my social media manager and podcast editor on my team)
  • What my schedule looks like in this season
  • The decisions we’re making moving forward as a family (technology)
  • Resources I’m loving as a mom

Resources Discussed:

Action Steps:

  1. Make a list of the most important business and personal tasks
  2. Find some friends or family members who can watch your kids for a few hours here and there when you need some concentrated work time (or you need to take an uninterrupted shower)
  3. Set aside some time to do something that fuels you