127 swim

Published: June 1, 2021, 2 a.m.


Every time I go to the grocery store, I buy two bunches of bananas. Until they\\u2019re gone, I eat three bananas every day. I love to eat them with cinnamon. I\\u2019ll eat bananas in oatmeal with blueberries, or with mixed nuts and dried fruit, or on toast with peanut butter, or all on their lonesome. Black coffee is the perfect drink pairing. When I\\u2019m having a hard time, feeling depressed or perhaps having a panic attack about the fact that someday I will be dead and won\\u2019t even know it, I\\u2019ll think about my favorite simple pleasures in life that I\\u2019ll miss when I\\u2019m gone. If I\\u2019m feeling naughty, I will eat four bananas in one sitting. It\\u2019s one of my favorite meals.
