081: Overcoming imposter syndrome

Published: Jan. 21, 2020, 8 a.m.


If there is one thing I\\u2019ve heard almost every successful entrepreneur admit, it\\u2019s that at one point or another they felt like a TOTAL imposter. Like \\u201cwho am I\\u201d to be starting this business, writing this book, or making this impact? Can you relate?


If you have ever wrestled with self-doubt or fear around stepping into your bigger purpose, you are SO not alone. Today I\\u2019m going to give you a little perspective shift on imposter syndrome that helped FREE me up, and I believe it can help do the same for you.


In this episode we talk about:

  • The idea that Imposter Syndrome is completely normal when you are playing BIG.
  • Perspective shifts to help free you from Imposter Syndrome.\\xa0
  • Taking on Imposter Syndrome one small step at a time.\\xa0






