077: The power of a mastermind and how to find the right one for you

Published: Jan. 7, 2020, 8 a.m.


Today I\\u2019m sharing one of the biggest secrets to success - being a part of mastermind groups. I\\u2019ve been a part of both formal and informal mastermind groups for years and they have seriously helped to accelerate both my personal and professional growth.


But what IS a mastermind, and how do you know if joining one is right for you? Today I\\u2019ll break down my experience and share three of the biggest things I\\u2019ve gained from \\u201cmasterminding\\u201d ...not sure if that\\u2019s really a word, but it is now.


In this episode you will learn:

  • The difference between a formal (paid) and an informal mastermind
  • Key questions to ask yourself before joining a paid mastermind
  • How to start your own informal mastermind if you\\u2019re not ready to invest in one yet


Resources mentioned:

Zoom (free webinar conferencing service) - www.zoom.us

A Tribe Called Bliss book by Lori Harder - link


Let\\u2019s be friends!



