Suzy Manning 01-08-2014

Published: Jan. 8, 2014, 6 a.m.

Suzy Manning is the CEO of Suzy Manning, “helping women gain purpose, empowerment, and inner peace at midlife”. She is an insightful mentor, an inspirational speaker, thought-provoking author, and savvy radio show host. Her expertise is helping female business owners and entrepreneurs discover their life purpose so they can live with clarity and passion. Her process helps women create a solid unshakable foundation within them to design lives and businesses from inspiration, inner wisdom, and a place of service. She holds a Master’s degree in Agency Counseling from Siena Heights University. Continual immersion in her own self-growth and evolution allows her to connect with others with authenticity and impeccability. Her studies have included shamanism, reiki, massage, enlightened warrior training, train the trainer, millionaire mind intensives, investment and business building, inner wealth creation, and 4T prosperity. I grew up in a patriarchal family where my career options were limited as a woman. I loved school so I went to college, but was told by my father that women could not think or do business. I was encouraged to get my Mrs., live in a home with a white picket fence, and be taken care of. None of this made sense to me, but it was what I was supposed to do in this society. Thank goodness I had a rebellious inner child! I became anorexic and bulimic to try to fit in and be accepted as worthy and beautiful. I learned that beauty is not a size and that thin does not equate to happiness. In my early 30’s, I had a huge “Aha Moment.” I was sitting on my bed reading a new script for an aerobics’ program I was teaching when a loud booming voice out of nowhere said, “Let Suzy out!” This woke me up to two realities! It was time to get out of a marriage that was not working, and it was time to reflect on who Suzy was underneath all of the roles I was playing. I was a sister, a daughter, a wife, a mother, a friend, a lover, and a business woman, but who was the authentic Suzy underneath all of these roles? Who wanted to show up in the world to be seen and to be heard? In my journey to discover my authentic self, I divorced twice. I found my soul mate in my third marriage. Each marriage helped me discover more about me, who I am despite who the world wants me to be, what my gift is that gives me purpose and passion, and what I will accept and not accept in my life. I now show up grounded, authentic, transparent, and confident. My creativity flows freely, I attract who and what I need into my life, and I am more energized at the end of my day because I live what brings me joy. I sizzzl. Sizzzl is the inner spark within each of you that is the very essence of who you are. It is a contagious, transforming energy for you and for everyone you come in contact with. I am transforming lives like yours by helping you ignite the sizzzl in you so bright that the world cannot extinguish it! I teach what I live! What message do you have for the world? What inner voice says, “Excuse me world, I need to show up as my authentic self”? When you embrace the powerful, authentic, confident you, it will show in the twinkle in your eyes, in the bounce in your step, in the heart-felt words that you speak, and in your magnetic energy that attracts people to you. You will be the woman you were born to be living empowered, confident and on purpose. You will Sizzzl.