158: How to Make 'Em Beg to Work for You with Dr. Angela Lauria

Published: Dec. 23, 2019, 5 a.m.

Stop chasing your dream team! And make them beg to work for you instead. ⁣

As a solopreneur, I understand the struggles that come with building a team. Whether it’s finding the right person to hire, or feeling dissatisfied with your team, or letting people (or watching people) go… the entire process can feel super frustrating. But today’s guest, Dr. Angela Lauria, has created a way to draw the right team members into your business and she’s here to share her secrets to make em beg to work for you. ⁣

Tune in and learn why you should never chase people to hire, how the hiring process is similar dating, the massive difference between hiring staff and building a team, why you need to get clear on your brand values and mission prior to hiring, the importance of trusting your team (even if it means letting them eff up), why money doesn’t solve your problems, and why you need to love your team as much as you love your clients. ⁣

Dr. Angela E. Lauria is the founder of The Author Incubator™ and creator of the Difference⁣
Process™ for writing a book that matters. In 2018, The Author Incubator was ranked #275 on⁣
the Inc. 500 fastest growing companies and #87 on Entrepreneur Magazine’s Entrepreneur 360.⁣

Dr. Angela won the Stevie Award’s Coach/Mentor of the Year Award and her program, The⁣
Author’s Way was named Coaching Program of the Year and was named by Entrepreneur⁣
Magazine as one of the top 10 most inspiring entrepreneurs to watch – one of only 2 women on the list.⁣

Dr. Angela has been helping people free their inner author since 1994, she has helped over 1,000 authors-in transformation write, publish, and promote their books.  Her clients have been seen everywhere from Vanity Fair to O Magazine to the Today Show, and their books have been responsible for over $100 million in cumulative revenue.⁣

She has a B.A. and an M.A. in Journalism and Media Affairs from The George Washington⁣ University and a PhD in Communications from The European Graduate School. She is the author of Make ‘Em Beg to Be Your Client: The Nonfiction Authors’ Guide to Selling, Serving, and Funding a Movement, Make ‘Em Beg to Publish Your Book: How To Reach A Larger Audience & Make A Full-Time Income In The Extremely Overcrowded World of Personal Development, The Incubated Author: 10 Steps to Start a Movement with Your Message, and The Difference: 10 Steps To Writing A Book That Matters. She lives at The Author Castle in McLean, Virginia with her son Jesse and her Castle cat Princesses Feathers and Foxy McFuzz Bucket.⁣

Connect with Angela…⁣
Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/TheAuthorIncubator
Personal FB: www.facebook.com/authorincubator
Instagram: www.instagram.com/authorincubator
Twitter: www.twitter.com/authorincubator
YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/AuthorIncubator
Website: www.energymuse.com

Download Dr. Angela’s books for free: https://www.theauthorincubator.com/the-library

Buy a hardcopy of Make ‘Em Beg to Work for You on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Make-Em-Beg-Work-You-ebook/dp/B081FJ2RTF/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2Q9SEQ2W6HY4L&keywords=make+em+beg+to+work+for+you&qid=1576091772&sprefix=make+em+%2Caps%2C199&sr=8-1⁣
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