Post Game Report: Episode 66 The Prenuptial Agreement

Published: Aug. 11, 2009, 5:41 a.m.

Post Game Report - Episode 66: The Prenuptial Agreement

Cozy up with that special someone as Phoenix410, SoldierX25, SugarFree are joined by Mr and Mrs LeftyBrown, The Married Gamers on Episode 66 of the Post Game Report. Believe it or not, when we aren't waving mallets at each other we also play video games. To celebrate this novelty we share our impressions of TMNT: Turtles in Time Re-Shelled and attempt to justify why this game was a waste of money. Soldier reminds us why Batman: Arkham Asylum was his game of E3 and why each of you should be playing the newly released demo. We follow the breadcrumbs to the PS3 Slim that everyone believes is coming to discuss how this inevitability will impact Sony's bottom line. There is also a rather lively discussion about GI Joe: The Rise of Cobra.

No animals were harmed in the recording of this podcast. But we can't say the same for childhood memories of Storm Shadow and Snake Eyes.