142: Michaela Petro and Mallory Nees

Published: May 16, 2016, 3:10 a.m.

MICHAELA PETRO and MALLORY NEES are body positive and Sammy negative when they return to Penthouse Studio 4W! They talk about  Michael Phelps' body, naked art bodies, naked sauna bodies and a movie about Harry Potter's dead body.


0:00 Intro

“I feel very little about Michael Phelps when he has a shirt on.”

1:10 Michael Phelps posted a shirtless photo of him and his newborn online.

5:20 It was Body Positivity week. They discuss their personality deal breakers in a relationship.

13:00 100 nude women will gather for a photoshoot before the GOP convention in Cleveland.

“Not to belittle this guy’s journey...but he sounds like a perv, right?”

16:45 A Canadian dating website will pair Americans fleeing a Trump presidency with Canadians. Michaela is anti-baby picture and baby-having.

22:00 An Edmonton strip club is offering free lap dances to Ft McMurray fire evacuees.  

25:45 A Finnish Burger King has an in-store spa and sauna. Sammy learns about “naked friends”

“I love you, Mallory...but I don’t know if I could share naked time with you.”

30:45 Mallory is excited for the farting corpse movie, Swiss Army Man. They ponder the acting roles they’d be happy being remembered as forever. They HATE HATE HATE Manic Pixie girls.

39:00 Mallory is starting a new job and is a little nervous. She also worked at Dude Club Central Cinema.

47:45 Outro

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