You, Me, the World & Poplar - Part 1: People and Animals

Published: Dec. 7, 2020, noon

Welcome to Part 1 of a three part podcast series You, Me, the World & Poplar. We are take stock exchange and this is our first ever podcast. We are a community storytelling company, which means that we try to build connections, empathy and empowerment using storytelling and conversation. 

This first podcast features three short stories about when we visited different groups of people who are connected to Poplar. We usually meet in person, visiting groups in community centres, schools, libraries... wherever they meet. But this time, at the time of this project that wasn’t possible, so we met them all remotely. 

We’d like to thank the participants of the workshops, the organisers of each group we worked with, and the community of Poplar.

You can join the conversation at, where you can leave your comments, thoughts and feedback. We’d love to hear what you have to say! 

Thank you very much for listening. 


You, Me World & Poplar was conceived and delivered by take stock exchange: Nick Cassenbaum, Eleanor Clack, Olly Hawes and Anna Smith

Stories performed by Nick Cassenbaum

Music composed and performed by Anna Lowenstein

Audio mixed by Naomi Jackson

The project was funded by Arts Council England, Poplar HARCA and Poplar Union. 

Thank you to Isobel Coutinho, Morwenna Johnson, Beth Watton, Babu Bhattacherjee, John Giesen, Ted Maxwell, Mary Osborn, Cheryl Gallacher, Mandy, Phil and Bertie Cassen, Poplar HARCA and Poplar Union.

You can find out more about our work at or feel free to get in touch at