Sep. 19, 2022: What two new polls tell us about the midterms

Published: Sept. 19, 2022, 10:15 a.m.

b"Is 2022 a \\u2018waves\\u2019 election? Evidence that the election will likely be closer than originally thought continues to mount, as two new polls give a sense of the contours of the race.\\n\\nFirst, there's the NBC poll, which paints a decidedly mixed portrait. Seven weeks out, voters are evenly split at 46% in their preference for which party should control Congress next year. Biden\\u2019s approval rating has risen to its highest in 11 months, while DONALD TRUMP\\u2019s favorability has dropped. Sixty-one percent oppose the Supreme Court\\u2019s Dobbs decision, 63% said their income is falling behind the cost of living, and \\u201cthreats to democracy\\u201d ranked as the issue most important to voters.\\n\\nRepublican dreams that a huge swath of Latino voters will run to their side aren\\u2019t coming true \\u2014 yet. That comes from our second poll, the latest from the NYT and Siena College, which shows Democrats maintaining a hold on the Latino electorate. Asked which party\\u2019s candidate they\\u2019d vote for if the election were held today, 56% of Latinos sided with the Democrats, compared to 32% for the Republicans."