Political Rewind: A Tragic COVID Toll Reached In Georgia; Abortion Access Considered In Courts

Published: Sept. 21, 2021, 4:46 p.m.

b'Tuesday on Political Rewind: Our panel discussed a tragic mark: The state reported 191 COVID-19 deaths, the single biggest one-day death toll since the delta variant of the coronavirus arrived in the state. Meanwhile hospitals across Georgia are continuing to struggle with the dramatic increase in COVID-19 patients filling their facilities.\\n\\nAlso, the controversial new Texas abortion law will soon face its first test in court. A San Antonio doctor is being sued for performing an abortion on a woman whose pregnancy had advanced past the six-week limit Texas has set in law. How might the outcome of that lawsuit affect a Georgia lawmaker\\u2019s plan to introduce a Texas-style abortion bill here?\\n\\nMeanwhile, Senate candidate Herschel Walker defended music superstar Nicki Minaj for posting a dubious but widely circulated claim about the COVID-19 vaccine.\\n\\nPanelists:\\n\\nTamar Hallerman\\xa0\\u2013\\xa0Senior reporter, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution\\n\\nTammy Greer \\u2013\\xa0Professor of political science, Clark Atlanta University'