AudioBlog: UFOs and Creatures Reported in Varginha, Brazil

Published: May 8, 2022, 8:48 p.m.

b'Brazil has a unique place in UFO history, not only for the abundance of high-strangeness UFO reports that come from that region, but also for the fact that people have been reportedly injured and have even died as a result of their alleged encounters. One such case comes from the Brazilian city of Varginha. In this case, not only is there a report of a witness dying, there are also reports that one, and maybe more, extraterrestrials ended their days here on Earth.Bob Pratt, a UFO researcher who manned the\\xa0National Enquirer\\u2019s\\xa0UFO desk for a period and covered South American UFO reports extensively, presented a narrative summary of the case in his 1996 book,\\xa0UFO Danger Zone: Terror and Death in Brazil \\u2013 Where Next?\\xa0He was in Brazil shortly after the events and his summary is based on witness accounts and reports from the primary investigators.\\xa0Read more\\xa0\\u2192'