AudioBlog: UFOs and Conjunctivitis

Published: Jan. 30, 2022, 8:10 p.m.

b'For researchers, UFO trace cases make up a welcome, science-friendly aspect of a phenomenon that often eludes scientific study. Researcher Ted Phillips specialized in trace cases starting in the mid-1960s on the advice of Project Blue Book scientific consultant J. Allen Hynek. In the course of his investigations, Phillips was able to note commonalities, one of those being that soil samples taken from alleged UFO landing sites were unable to absorb water. While UFOs have been reported to leave physical traces on the environment, they\\u2019ve also been reported to leave physical traces on witnesses. A common report of this sort is what is medically known as \\u201cactinic conjunctivitis\\u201d or \\u201cklieg conjunctivitis.\\u201d This is a painful condition where the eyes become red and intensely irritated due to exposure to ultraviolet light.\\xa0Read more\\xa0\\u2192'