AudioBlog: UFO Abduction Research Gone Sideways: Part 2

Published: March 25, 2023, 5:08 p.m.

b'by Charles Lear, author of\\xa0\\u201cThe Flying Saucer Investigators.\\u201dIn 2010, an\\xa0article\\xa0by Jeremy Vaeni headlined \\u201cThe Incredible Visitations of Emma Woods\\u201d appeared in the November issue of\\xa0UFO\\xa0Magazine.\\xa0The story that was detailed therein caused people in the UFO community to take hard look at the methods and conclusions of the two most prominent people in alien abduction research at that time. \\u201cEmma Woods\\u201d was the pseudonym of a woman who lived in England, and she was one of David Jacobs\\u2019s research subjects. She had posted some\\xa0tapes\\xa0of her hypnosis sessions with him that contained some details that Jacobs probably would have preferred had not been made public. Woods provided more details in an\\xa0interview\\xa0she gave on March 29, 2010, on the\\xa0Paratopia\\xa0podcast hosted by Vaeni and Jeff Ritzman,\\xa0which appear in the\\xa0UFO Magazine\\xa0article. The article prompted Budd Hopkins\\u2019s wife, Carol Rainey to write an\\xa0article\\xa0of her own headlined \\u201cThe Priests of High Strangeness\\u201d published in 2011 in Volume 1, Number 1 of\\xa0Paratopia\\xa0magazine detailing some of Hopkins\\u2019s methods with his subjects as well. Last week we looked at the experiences of Woods during her interaction with Jacobs. This week we\\u2019ll look at the aftermath and the reaction of some in the UFO community to Woods\\u2019s story.\\xa0Read more\\xa0'