AudioBlog: NASA and the UFO Problem

Published: Jan. 6, 2024, 8:54 p.m.

b'According to the sighting report forms (pages 2 and 4 of pdf) filled out by Georgia Governor Jimmy Carter for the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena and the International UFO Bureau on September 18, 1973, he and 10-12 other men observed a UFO he described as a light that was \\u201cat one time, as bright as the moon\\u201d for 10-12 minutes in Leary, Georgia. According to the form, they were outside waiting for a 7:30 p.m. Lions Club meeting to start. During Carter\\u2019s presidential campaign in 1976, a reporter from the National Enquirer asked him if he would release all the information the government had on UFOs if he was elected. He is quoted in the June 8, 1976 edition of the Enquirer as saying \\u201cIf I become President, I\\u2019ll make every piece of information this country has about UFO sightings available to the public and the scientists. I\\u2019m convinced that UFOs exist because I have seen one.\\u201d When he was elected, the White House began receiving letters from UFO enthusiasts who wanted to know when he was going to make good on his promise. One of these is included in the article by Philip J. Klass, headlined \\u201cNASA, the White House, and UFOs\\u201d published in the Spring/Summer 1978 Skeptical Inquirer: Read more \\u2192'