Artists Only

Published: June 26, 2018, 1:58 a.m.

Sometimes music isn't just for listening. We all use music to inspire us, drive us, and motivate us to make our own artistic expressions. Andrew and Sean get artsy fartsy on this week's pod by talking about the music that inspired them to pursue their own art, from a 30 track album about turning 30, to a short film about a sock puppet. We also invite you, our loyal listeners, to use our podcast to inspire your own music (sample us!), drawings, sculpting or whatever it is you do to express yourself. Send us any of your Pod Yrself Clean inspired art to! Track List: 1. A great 2-part listener email (thanks Trevor!) about opening acts who surpassed the closers at concerts AND what's the best music to work to? (1:45) 2. Music that inspired us (21:55) Again, send us your Pod Yrself-inspired art to and ALSO follow us on Instagram and Twiiter @podyrselfclean. Other things: Here is the This American Life episode about breakup songs that we mention: Keep on rockin'!