Have You Seen This Brony? CALL MERSH

Published: Jan. 21, 2021, 9:55 p.m.


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They say I am OBSESSED with Mersh. No, I am POSSESSED by Mersh. When a Revenge Of The Cis fan\'s daughter was being groomed by a Brony in their community, Mersh and Royce did nothing to stop him. Well, I couldn\'t let that happen, so the Pod Awful Cult has placed fliers around the Child Predator\'s town alerting parents to the BRONY SITUATION. Meanwhile, over on Nightwave Radio, Mersh had a 20 minute meltdown over Pod Awful puppetmastering his moderators, but he\'s made an offer! If Jesse stops making fun of Mersh, The Queen is willing to fork over the $376 to Jesse (again.) All Hollywood Mersh wants in exchange is a written letter of apology. NO PROBLEMO! I\'ll have it to Papa Mersh in 30 minutes or less, guaranteed.

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