If you loved me you would…

Published: Dec. 15, 2015, 4:09 p.m.

“If you loved me you would….” Ever said that to anyone? Ever had that said to you? In this reality many people function in relationships where there is a need to prove to others how much you love them, and/or have others prove to you how much they love you.  This kind of relationship is totally based on testing all the time whether you are loved or not. It’s a total distraction to what can truly be experienced in relationships and it can also be a great unkindness to you and the other person. Where’s the trust in you? Where’s the allowance for either of you and what you’re choosing? Where’s the expansiveness , appreciation, and ease in a relationship if all you’re doing is looking for proof that you’re still loved? What if something completely different, totally yummy, and utterly nurturing and spacious is possible with relationships beyond the distraction of need to prove how much you love someone or have them prove to you how much they love you?  Would you like to explore that? Join Alun and Tamara in the Playground Of Possibilities where everything is play and anything is possible – including living a barrier-free life. Alun’s website: http://alun-jones.com/ Tamara’s website: http://www.accessinfinitebeing.com/ www.facebook.com/lifewithplay