#15 Players Pick Podcast - Mike Scott / Justin Timberlake / Prince NPG

Published: July 2, 2019, 10 a.m.


Mike takes us on a journey back in time back before cell phones and tells the story of how he got the gig with Prince and how he\\u2019s \\u201cBeen playing those Dunlops for thousand years\\u201d \\U0001f602\\U0001f44c\\U0001f3fc\\u2728 Listen to Mike\\u2019s music and his artist picks in this special playlist: https://open.spotify.com/user/1210407742/playlist/6ULo3b6jVMI4N0UKtNdHOj?si=hC1r9jpORlSA8GjCd-t-lg
