Planet Green Trees TV - Episode - 479 It Needs Some Powdered Sugar

Published: Sept. 15, 2020, 5:08 p.m.

b'Some VIP guests you don\'t want to miss.
CHIEF JUSTICE BRIDGET McCORMACK - Michigan Supreme Court Judge
ANDREW BRISBO - Marijuana Regulatory Agency

Topics (no particular order)

-Michael\\u2019s Rant
-Blockchain Voting- Is it the New Future
-Delta 8 THC- how is it different from Delta 9?
-The US spends twice as much on Law Enforcement as it does on Welfare
-Recreational Cannabis Market faces tight supply, few Municipal opt in\\u2019s
-Marijuana Regulatory Agency Implements New Topic-Based Administrative Rule Sets
If you are thinking about getting into the Cannabis Business @planetgreentreestv has been a source of legal information and discussion about medical and recreational use for over a decade.
Get up and get out of the basement and tune in to hear about the latest in cannabis legal issues and related relevant topics

PGT is broadcast on FB and You Tube - You can find links and more info here'