Full Show: The exploration of a sacred cave

Published: Nov. 4, 2021, 8:39 a.m.

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Covid boy is back!
Your IVNs give us some great \'Mystery Box\' ideas and answer the T-Mobile q from yesterday
Today we ask you to tell us about your worst first day ever
Duryan opens up about doing \'dough hits\' at Chuck E. Cheese
PK and Duryan go at it for our brand new \'Back in the Day\' champions trivia trophy
Denise and Taylor give us a nail bitter round of \'Match Two\'
Taylor opens up about that one time a girl unplugged his nightlight
PK\'s cave gets explored
Denise scares the crap out of Duryan
We make it to guess 156 as we try to solve \'What\'s That Noise\'
Duryan takes us around the world with \'Radio Garden\'
We learn that Martinique likes to put their ass up in the air
We thank our founding family with a Caribbean live club night twist
And so much more!

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