The Book of Night Women by Marlon James – Ep 44

Published: Aug. 1, 2019, 10 a.m.

The Book of Night Women is a sweeping, startling novel, a true tour de force of both voice and storytelling. It is the story of Lilith, born into slavery on a Jamaican sugar plantation at the end of the eighteenth century. Even at her birth, the slave women around her recognize a dark power that they and she will come to both revere and fear.  The Night Women, as they call themselves, have long been plotting a slave revolt, and as Lilith comes of age and reveals the extent of her power, they see her as the key to their plans. But when she begins to understand her own feelings and desires and identity, Lilith starts to push at the edges of what is imaginable for the life of a slave woman in Jamaica, and risks becoming the conspiracy's weak link.  Lilith's story overflows with high drama and heartbreak, and life on the plantation is rife with dangerous secrets, unspoken jealousies, inhuman violence, and very human emotion between slave and master, between slave and overseer, and among the slaves themselves. Lilith finds herself at the heart of it all. And all of it told in one of the boldest literary voices to grace the page recently--and the secret of that voice is one of the book's most intriguing mysteries.  give it a'listen SPOILER ALERT: we loved this book! We think you probably will too, so check it out from your local library, or, hell, just go buy it from your local bookseller or Marlon James' website (link below). Just FYI: we do talk about some actual spoilers in this book, but we warn you before it happens so LISTEN UP! Mentioned Links Learn more about the author, Marlon James, at his official website.Want to try some of the only chocolate made WITHOUT slave labor? Check out Tony's ChocoLonely and learn about how the chocolate industry still uses and abuses slave labor, how you can help, and order some ethically sourced chocolate all at once. Goodreads We'd love to have you join us in opining over on Goodreads. You can find this book over there: The Book of Night Women by Marlon James , and of course join our discussion group here. Spotify Playlist Ash mixes up playlists for our books - you can check out our Spotify profile for like, all of them if you're interested.