Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood – Ep 32

Published: April 18, 2019, 10 a.m.

Oryx and Crake is at once an unforgettable love story and a compelling vision of the future. Snowman, known as Jimmy before mankind was overwhelmed by a plague, is struggling to survive in a world where he may be the last human, and mourning the loss of his best friend, Crake, and the beautiful and elusive Oryx whom they both loved. In search of answers, Snowman embarks on a journey–with the help of the green-eyed Children of Crake–through the lush wilderness that was so recently a great city, until powerful corporations took mankind on an uncontrolled genetic engineering ride. Margaret Atwood projects us into a near future that is both all too familiar and beyond our imagining. give it a'listen This week the gals feel pretty sorry for Jimmy (aka Snowman) who's real dumb, real sad, and under way too much pressure. Other takeaways from this episode: house cats are a problem for birds, Margaret Atwood is a BAMF, and rakunks sound super cute. Neat stuff! Mentioned Links Find more info about Margaret Atwood and her goings-on here. We lightly touch on Book #2 of the MaddAdam trilogy, The Year of the Flood, and its website. If you're not scared of potential spoilers, you can check it out here! Do you like books? Do you like funny stuff? Well then find Ash and her book nonsense here.Candace is a rolling stone, check out where and what she's up to here! Goodreads We'd love to have you join us in opining over on Goodreads. You can find this book here: Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood and of course join our discussion group here. Spotify Playlist Ash mixes up playlists (Candace is dipping her toes in...) for our books - here's a sample for this week. You can check out our Spotify profile for like, all of them if you want to see more.