Go Ask Alice by Anonymous – Ep 47

Published: Aug. 29, 2019, 10 a.m.

It started when she was served a soft drink laced with LSD in a dangerous party game. Within months, she was hooked, trapped in a downward spiral that took her from her comfortable home and loving family to the mean streets of an unforgiving city. It was a journey that would rob her of her innocence, her youth -- and ultimately her life. Read her diary. Enter her world. You will never forget her.  give it a'listen This book is is bananas, B-A-N-A-N-A-S! We can't believe that we thought this shit was real when we were kids, 'cause now that we're all grown up it is sooooo clear that it was written by an old Mormon lady. Misogyny? Check. Racism? Check. Rampant homophobia? Checkcheckcheck. Some other highlights? Two 15-year-olds start a successful boutique in downtown San Francisco and close it down two weeks later because Reasons (???), teens deal LSD to 10 year olds, who are then dealing it to 8 year olds (because what 3rd grader doesn't want to trip balls at recess?), and people eat WAY too many carbs in this book (7 yeast rolls in one meal????). Tune in for the madness and let us know what you think by hitting us up on social media or on our website, ya bunch of DOUBLE FINK MOUTHS! Mentioned Links Beatrice Sparks was a lying liar who lied. She wrote this book, and many others, that were written to scare teens into being "good". Read more about her life and nonsense here.We briefly mentioned Jay's Journal (also by Beatrice Sparks) and the real-life story that its details were yoinked from. Find more details about the debacle over here and here.Don't believe us when we say this book is as fake as a $3 bill? Okee dokee, here's a Snopes article about it. Goodreads We'd love to have you join us in opining over on Goodreads. You can find this book: Go Ask Alice by Anonymous and of course join our discussion group here. Spotify Playlist Ash mixes up playlists for our books - here's a sample for this week. You can check out our Spotify profile for like, all of them if you want to see more. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1VT6RwQvfqDnsKuhDPd3X2?si=G3XWFBOAS_u8KEnxkCYfTA