August Sideshow – Ep 45

Published: Aug. 8, 2019, 10 a.m.

It's a SIDESHOW ladies and germs, so there's no book but lots of bullshittery a'happenin. To start, we have a lot of opinions about CGI creatures in this episode. Between the trailers for Cats and Sonic the Hedgehog, we've barely survived 2019. We also lament about how hard it is to date, and we need all the help we can get. Have a tip? Send it our way. Please. Really. give it a'listen Goodreads We'd love to have you join us in opining over on Goodreads. No book this week, but you can join our discussion group here. Spotify Playlist Ash mixes up playlists for our books - she's a little behind but hey, life happens. You can check out our Spotify profile for like, all of them she's made so far (if you're so inclined).