Quick Hits with Delvepoint

Published: March 31, 2020, 7 a.m.

b'Quick Hits Segment 3\\n\\nWelcome to the next Quick Hit segment of PI Perspectives. Matt continues to provide extra content during these trying times. We hope you find these segments helpful and spread the word to other investigators out there who are looking for updates. Today\\u2019s guest is Niki McKinnell Marler from Delvepoint. Niki talks about how Delvepoint is dealing with the shut down and how they are assisting their clients. Today\\u2019s episode has a lot of great pointers and some access to Free Webinar content at www.Delvepoint.com. If you decide to set up with Delvepoint, don\\u2019t forget code PIP20 for additional free searches. Who doesn\\u2019t appreciate free these day?\\n \\n\\u202f \\nThis episode is brought to you by\\u202fSatellite Investigations\\u202f \\n\\u202f \\n\\u202f\\u202f\\u202f \\nLinks:\\u202f\\u202f\\u202f \\nMatt\\u2019s email:\\u202fMatthewS@Satellitepi.com\\u202f\\u202f\\u202f \\nLinkedin: Matthew Spaier \\n\\n\\nNiki\\u2019s Linkedin: Niki McKinnell\\nNiki\\u2019s email:nmckinnell@delvepoint.com\\nhttps://www.delvepoint.com/\\n\\n\\u202f\\u202f\\u202f \\nSponsors:\\u202f\\u202f\\u202f\\u202f \\n\\u202f\\u202f\\u202f \\n\\u202fhttps://satellitepi.com/'