#152: Burnout Step #2: How to figure out your career options. How to dream of new possiblities, brainstorm solutions, and get unstuck!

Published: June 14, 2023, 10:21 a.m.

Step 1 was all about inner work: admitting you're lost, confused, and stuck. This step is all about dreaming and giving yourself permission to do so without rules or restrictions. Have you ever noticed how, when you first experience an "I'm stuck and don't have a clue what to do next" type situation, you become paralyzed for a while? Then, you eventually start seeing glimmers of hope, you start brainstorming and thinking "what if" type thoughts. This is step 2!



Most of my clients start out in step 1 (see prev episode)--they might be burned out with their work, momming, or both. Or, maybe your job isn't so bad, but you get the nagging sense you're being pulled in a new direction. Both of these types of clients eventually progress to the 2nd step. Regardless of which stage you're in, reach out and I'll help you navigate in the dark forest and along the rocky cliffs. Schedule a complimentary discovery call by reaching out, either by DM or old-school email (hope.cook@gmail.com). For more resources, my website is www.coachopecook.com


See ya next week,

