#134: "I can't keep doing this!": why 99% of my clients reach out. I've been there and I can help you either a) keep doing "this" but on your terms or b) stop doing "this"

Published: Nov. 16, 2022, 12:45 p.m.

I'll share how I often fight against "what is" (ie, reality) and how this causes more suffering than the situation itself.  Imagine you're in a job you no longer love but you feel trapped.  It appears you have no options.  The thought bubble above your head frequently says "I can't keep doing this!"  I'll give you the hard truth about how to look at your options and make a choice.  


I'll also share how I fought against "what is" twice in the last 12 hours: with a big travel goof-up and a sleep study gone awry.  


If you can relate and want to try changing your own reality or at least your perspective on it, reach out!  You can send an old-fashioned email to my personal email (no assistant yet, unfortunately!) hope.cook@gmail.com or get all fancy and send me a DM on Instagram @coachhopecook


Lastly, if you're an action-taker like I am, get yourself on over to my website and book a discovery call to see if we're a good coaching match.  It'll be like a date except you can wear your pj's and it's free!