Britt Wray on CRISPR, De-Extinction and Necrofauna

Published: Dec. 15, 2017, 11:45 a.m.

Today on the show, our guest is Britt Wray. Britt Wray is a broadcaster, author and public speaker researching emerging science and tech. She tells stories about what she finds via podcasting, interactive documentary, print and tv. Recently, she has hosted the BBC Tomorrow's World podcast with Ellie Cosgrave - I'm sure lots of us remember the old TV show which is now being revived in podcast form - and her first book, Rise of the Necrofauna: The Science, Ethics and Risks of De-Extinction - has just been published by Greystone Books. It'd make a good Christmas present for anyone you know who's interested in the possibilities of using synthetic biology to bring back creatures that were once extinct - or, at least, some strange new hybrid versions of them. Britt has spent a lot of time researching the ethics and capabilities of emerging technologies, especially in biology, and especially related to CRISPR, so that's broadly what our discussion is about. I hope you enjoy.

You can follow Britt Wray on Twitter @BrittWray and keep up with developments on, as well as buying a copy of Rise of the Necrofauna in bookshops and on Amazon.